Blueprint of the Schipperke

Blueprint of the Schipperke

by Robert POLLET

This Blueprint is the Breed Standard with detailed, explanatory comments on the text describing the characteristics of the breed (history, general appearance, proportions, anatomy/morphology/structure, behaviour, character, limbs, movement, coat + colour, size and weight, faults, canine terminology etc).

After the enormous success of the “Blueprint of the Belgian Shepherd Dog”, translated in more than 10 languages, we can announce that  the author Dr. Robert Pollet, at long last decided, at the request of many especially foreign members of the Belgian Royal Schipperkes Club, to write a similar booklet in English on the latest official FCI-Breed Standard of the Schipperke.

This Blueprint will be for sale (€ 5)  by mail order to the Belgian Schipperke Club

België € 5 + (the shipping costs € 2,85)  =  total =  € 7,85

or Europe €5 + (shipping costs) € 5,73)  =  total =  € 10,73

to Royal Schipperkes Club

BE14 0010 7919 1583 BIC : GEBABEBB

Dr R Pollet – Author